Saturday, July 18, 2009

A New Perspective...Being Thankful

Just another thought... While driving to work this morning, I was doing my usual praying...I was just thanking God ---thanking Him for everything...He is, after all, the Creator of...ALL things..! It occurred to me that --We--as Americans--(immigrants or not) live in the most incredible country of them all! Think of the freedoms that we enjoy---we as Americans are wealthy compared to the majority of the world! Why do we spend so much time complaining---comparing ourselves to the Jones'---moaning about what we could have or worse ..are entitled to have?!! Get a grip people --I know that we are all guilty of the "wants"...but take a look around...
I woke up this morning to freshly brewed coffee that had been turned on automatically ---Had a choice of a shower or a bath with instant hot water ---opened my closet to choose many! Pushed the button to get the garage to open...climbed into a "sububba" with satellite know...the normal radio doesn't get enough stations...blared the a/c and went on smooth concrete roads (toll road) to get to where I was going faster...Talked on the cell phone..cuz it couldn't wait another minute...said "I love you" to my family...
Well, you get the picture...WE all need to be thankful! Yes there are bumps in the road.. but for the most part --we do have it great!
...Use grateful...mike right choices...give of yourself to those that may not be as about the world...look out the window...see details...get connected with family and friends...laugh...contimplate...and most of all ...Get a New's all good!

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